Australian Way - Ingredients

Shopping in Australian shops

Items that differ in Australia

Item Equiv in Australia Extra info
Bell pepper Capsicum
Candlenuts Macadamia nuts Macadamia nuts if you cannot find any in Indian or Asian stores.  Candle nuts will vary in toxicity and other properties in each country, so be careful. about the Candle Nut
Cilantro Coriander
Corn meal Polenta yahoo answers yahoo answers
Eddo leaves Taro leaves
Spring (salad) onions small white onion bulb with long green leaves green-onion-or-spring-onion-shallot-or-eschalot
Garbanzo beans Chickpea Basically English versus Spanish, read more here
Green Onion Shallots Spring onions are also related to these, but have a larger bulb and green shoots and can be used as a substitute.  Read more here.
Green onion or spring onion, shallot or eschalot green-onion-or-spring-onion-shallot-or-eschalot
Kemangi leaves Lemon or sweet basil.
Palm oil Vegetable oil Vegetable oil (without palm oil in it) – say no to Palm Oil
Palm sugar Brown sugar Say no to Palm Sugar
Raw pork sausage Pork sausage mince Not uncooked sausage, but uncooked sausage mince
Salam leaves Curry or Bay leaves Salam leaves are Indonesian bay leaves. You can substitute with curry leaves or bay leaves.
Scallions local equiv Spring Onions wiki pedia Scallion
Scotch bonnet local equiv hot chilli 100,000–350,000 Scoville Units – see the table here
Squash Butternut pumpkin Squash in Australia is
Taro root Yam Taro is often also called yam more info
Taro leaves Spinache leaves Can be replaced with Spinache in most cases
Vanilla Extract (Pure) Vanilla Essence There are different stories comparing them but the common rule of the thumb is; add 2 times more essence than extract.